Which types of data are available in Malaffi?
At present the following data can be viewed in Malaffi:
- Patient demographics
- Laboratory results
- Procedures
- Vital signs
- Encounters
- Radiology reports
- Problems and diagnosis
- Immunisations
- Allergies
- Medications
- Diagnostic tests
- Clinical Documents
- Radiology images
- Appointments
- Genomics Data
Are all healthcare facilities in Abu Dhabi connected to Malaffi?
Yes, all in-scope healthcare facilities in Abu Dhabi are now connected to Malaffi. Data sets are captured in phases, with ongoing expansion each year. Please note that not all data sets may be immediately available due to this phased approach.
Currently available data sets include Demographics, Allergies, Problems & Diagnoses, Encounters, Procedures, Medications & Immunisations, Laboratory Results, Radiology reports & Images, Vital Signs, Appointments, Clinical Documents, Diagnostic tests (Cardiology, Respiratory, Mental Health, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Neonatology & Neurology), Genomics Data (Pharmacogenomics Reports, Emirate Genome Program participant notification and integration with Riayati – the National Unified Health Record).
The new data sets planned for this year include Family & Social History, Additional Neurology Diagnostics, Detailed Cancer Staging and additional Dental Procedure detail.
Will patient data from all UAE facilities be available in Malaffi?
Malaffi is commissioned with connecting healthcare facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Meanwhile, Riayati serves as the HIE for the Northern Emirates, and Nabidh fulfils this role for facilities in Dubai. At the federal level, the Ministry of Health and Prevention has facilitated the exchange of healthcare information across the UAE through Riayati, the National Unified Health Record. This integration, allows select Malaffi users access to patient information recorded during visits to healthcare facilities in Northern Emirates. Future plans include extending integration to Nabidh.
Are Radiology Images available in Malaffi?
Yes, both radiology reports and images are available in Malaffi. All in scope healthcare facilities are now sharing their radiology images with Malaffi and available through the associated radiology reports. This functionality is available to Primary Provider (L1) users.
What is the Risk Profile View and how is it calculated?
The Patient Risk View uses AI and machine learning algorithms to build predictive risk models. The functionality predicts the risk of a patient developing specific chronic conditions or events, based on medical data available in Malaffi, including Acute and Chronic diagnoses, Encounters, Demographics, Laboratory results and Medications. This functionality is available to Primary Provider (Level 1) Users.
Can information in Malaffi be downloaded as a PDF?
Yes, clinical documents, diagnostics, vital signs, laboratory and radiology reports can be downloaded and printed from Malaffi. If you encounter issues printing from your facility, please raise this with your technical team.
How can a patient's file be accessed in Malaffi for the first time?
To access a patient’s file in Malaffi for the first time, several steps need to be completed. The patient must initially visit your facility in person and be registered in your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. After registration, a notification message is sent to Malaffi to inform the system of the new record. Malaffi will then attempt to match the patient’s EMR record with their Malaffi record. If the records match successfully, the patient’s Malaffi file can be accessed through a link embedded in the EMR system. Ensuring that all demographic details are accurately entered in the EMR is crucial, as incorrect information can hinder record matching and lead to incomplete data access. Efforts are ongoing, in collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH) and providers, to improve the quality of data sent to Malaffi.
Why am I not able to see any or some data for my patients?
If you're unable to see some or all of your patient’s data, it may be due to one of the following reasons:
- The specific facility you are querying may not yet be contributing the type of data with Malaffi. For example, if you are looking for discharge summaries from a particular facility, they may not currently be sending clinical documents to Malaffi and could still be in the process of connecting that data type.
- The facility’s EMR system might not be configured to share that specific dataset with Malaffi.
- Incorrectly entered demographic details in your EMR or any other EMR, could prevent proper matching of the EMR record with the patient’s Malaffi record, resulting in incomplete data access.
In collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH), we are working with providers to address these issues and improve the quality of data sent to Malaffi.
For any other issues listed above, please contact the IT support of your facility, who will investigate why the patient record is not available to you. You may need to note the patient MRN to support the investigation.
What should I do if I experience a technical issue with Malaffi?
If you encounter a technical issue with Malaffi, first contact your organisation’s IT department. They will investigate whether the problem is related to your facility’s IT infrastructure before escalating the issue to the Malaffi IT support desk. This step ensures that any local technical issues are addressed internally before seeking further assistance from Malaffi. If the problem pertains to a specific patient record, be sure to note the patient’s MRN, as it may be needed by the IT support team for troubleshooting.
How do I receive training on Malaffi?
Under DOH policy, all authorised users are required to complete training and refresher courses annually. To schedule your training, please contact your organisation's training coordinator. For additional resources, you can find the Malaffi training materials through the provided links. Malaffi also offers periodic awareness sessions to help users navigate the system more effectively and stay updated with the latest features. These sessions can be arranged by reaching out to your training coordinator or by contacting engagement@malaffi.ae
How does Malaffi protect patient confidentiality?
Protecting patient information is a top priority for both the Department of Health and Malaffi. We adhefre to Abu Dhabi Healthcare Information and Cyber Security (ADHICS) standards to ensure privacy and security. Access to patient information in Malaffi is governed by role-based permissions and organisational security protocols set by your IT team, ensuring that users have appropriate access based on their job functions and roles. Only Level 1 users have the authority to 'Break the Privacy Seal' and access all patient data, including sensitive information. Additionally, all user access is continuously monitored and logged.
Do patients have access to Malaffi?