

Which types of data are available in Malaffi?

At present the following data can be viewed in Malaffi:
- Patient demographics
- Laboratory results
- Procedures
- Vital signs
- Encounters
- Radiology reports
- Problems and diagnosis
- Immunisations
- Allergies
- Medications
- Diagnostic tests
- Clinical Documents
- Radiology images
- Appointments
- Genomics Data

Are all healthcare facilities in Abu Dhabi connected to Malaffi?

Yes, all in-scope healthcare facilities in Abu Dhabi are now connected to Malaffi. Data sets are captured in phases, with ongoing expansion each year. Please note that not all data sets may be immediately available due to this phased approach.

Currently available data sets include Demographics, Allergies, Problems & Diagnoses, Encounters, Procedures, Medications & Immunisations, Laboratory Results, Radiology reports & Images, Vital Signs, Appointments, Clinical Documents, Diagnostic tests (Cardiology, Respiratory, Mental Health, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Neonatology & Neurology), Genomics Data (Pharmacogenomics Reports, Emirate Genome Program participant notification and integration with Riayati – the National Unified Health Record).

The new data sets planned for this year include Family & Social History, Additional Neurology Diagnostics, Detailed Cancer Staging and additional Dental Procedure detail.

Will patient data from all UAE facilities be available in Malaffi?

Malaffi is commissioned with connecting healthcare facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Meanwhile, Riayati serves as the HIE for the Northern Emirates, and Nabidh fulfils this role for facilities in Dubai. At the federal level, the Ministry of Health and Prevention has facilitated the exchange of healthcare information across the UAE through Riayati, the National Unified Health Record. This integration, allows select Malaffi users access to patient information recorded during visits to healthcare facilities in Northern Emirates. Future plans include extending integration to Nabidh.

Are Radiology Images available in Malaffi?

Yes, both radiology reports and images are available in Malaffi. All in scope healthcare facilities are now sharing their radiology images with Malaffi and available through the associated radiology reports. This functionality is available to Primary Provider (L1) users.

What is the Risk Profile View and how is it calculated?

The Patient Risk View uses AI and machine learning algorithms to build predictive risk models. The functionality predicts the risk of a patient developing specific chronic conditions or events, based on medical data available in Malaffi, including Acute and Chronic diagnoses, Encounters, Demographics, Laboratory results and Medications. This functionality is available to Primary Provider (Level 1) Users.

Can information in Malaffi be downloaded as a PDF?

Yes, clinical documents, diagnostics, vital signs, laboratory and radiology reports can be downloaded and printed from Malaffi. If you encounter issues printing from your facility, please raise this with your technical team.

How can a patient's file be accessed in Malaffi for the first time?

To access a patient’s file in Malaffi for the first time, several steps need to be completed. The patient must initially visit your facility in person and be registered in your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. After registration, a notification message is sent to Malaffi to inform the system of the new record. Malaffi will then attempt to match the patient’s EMR record with their Malaffi record. If the records match successfully, the patient’s Malaffi file can be accessed through a link embedded in the EMR system. Ensuring that all demographic details are accurately entered in the EMR is crucial, as incorrect information can hinder record matching and lead to incomplete data access. Efforts are ongoing, in collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH) and providers, to improve the quality of data sent to Malaffi.

Why am I not able to see any or some data for my patients?

If you're unable to see some or all of your patient’s data, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • The specific facility you are querying may not yet be contributing the type of data with Malaffi. For example, if you are looking for discharge summaries from a particular facility, they may not currently be sending clinical documents to Malaffi and could still be in the process of connecting that data type.
  • The facility’s EMR system might not be configured to share that specific dataset with Malaffi.
  • Incorrectly entered demographic details in your EMR or any other EMR, could prevent proper matching of the EMR record with the patient’s Malaffi record, resulting in incomplete data access.

In collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH), we are working with providers to address these issues and improve the quality of data sent to Malaffi.

For any other issues listed above, please contact the IT support of your facility, who will investigate why the patient record is not available to you. You may need to note the patient MRN to support the investigation.

What should I do if I experience a technical issue with Malaffi?

If you encounter a technical issue with Malaffi, first contact your organisation’s IT department. They will investigate whether the problem is related to your facility’s IT infrastructure before escalating the issue to the Malaffi IT support desk. This step ensures that any local technical issues are addressed internally before seeking further assistance from Malaffi. If the problem pertains to a specific patient record, be sure to note the patient’s MRN, as it may be needed by the IT support team for troubleshooting.

How do I receive training on Malaffi?

Under DOH policy, all authorised users are required to complete training and refresher courses annually. To schedule your training, please contact your organisation's training coordinator. For additional resources, you can find the Malaffi training materials through the provided links. Malaffi also offers periodic awareness sessions to help users navigate the system more effectively and stay updated with the latest features. These sessions can be arranged by reaching out to your training coordinator or by contacting

How does Malaffi protect patient confidentiality?

Protecting patient information is a top priority for both the Department of Health and Malaffi. We adhefre to Abu Dhabi Healthcare Information and Cyber Security (ADHICS) standards to ensure privacy and security. Access to patient information in Malaffi is governed by role-based permissions and organisational security protocols set by your IT team, ensuring that users have appropriate access based on their job functions and roles. Only Level 1 users have the authority to 'Break the Privacy Seal' and access all patient data, including sensitive information. Additionally, all user access is continuously monitored and logged.

Do patients have access to Malaffi?

Yes, patients can view their healthcare information through Sahatna, Your gateway to health, using the "My Health" feature. This service, brought to you by the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi, is designed to empower patients to take a more active role in managing their health. The app replaces the previous Health Portal, retaining all existing information while introducing new features to enhance the user experience.

Your feedback, comments, and suggestions are crucial for us to remain a leading HIE globally. We welcome any input you have, as well as any questions, at Stay informed about our latest updates by following us on social media and subscribing to our mailing list

Access & Navigate Malaffi
I can’t see the Malaffi icon or the Malaffi tab in my EMR?

Please speak with your technical support team or reach out to a Malaffi Super User as each EMR is different and the way you access Malaffi is unique to your organisation.

I have clicked on the Malaffi icon/tab and I can see a long document (End User Licence Agreement) and I don’t know what to do. I cannot see my patient information in Malaffi.

The first time you access Malaffi, you are required to read the EULA and agree to the terms of use. Select the ‘Accept’ button and you will then be directed to your patient record in Malaffi.

Why do I see ‘No Results Found’ in Malaffi?

Seeing "No Results Found" usually indicates that the patient doesn’t have a Malaffi record, likely because they haven’t visited a facility connected to Malaffi. If you think the patient should have a record or if some information seems to be missing, check the patient summary tab for details from your facility. If you still find that data is missing, please note the MRN and submit a ticket to your technical support team for further investigation.

What is ‘Delta View’?

The ‘Delta View’ tab provides a comprehensive view of the patient record excluding information recorded at your own organisation. To see the full view of your patient record including information from your facility, select the ‘Patient Summary’ Tab.

Note, a full view of patient allergies can be seen in the Patient Banner – Allergies Alert field.

Data quality
What do I do when I see the wrong information recorded for a patient in Malaffi?

Malaffi displays information received from each source EMR. If patient information needs to be updated, it needs to be done in the EMR where it was originally entered. If the information is from another organisation, please note the MRN and submit a ticket with your technical support team for investigation.

Clinicians are responsible for verifying information with the patient and ensuring that their own EMR is accurate and up to date.

How can I be sure that the patient I am seeing in Malaffi is the same patient in my EMR?

Malaffi is utilising a market-leading patient matching system which ensures the right patient is accurately matched to the right record.

If you are concerned that the patient you are viewing in Malaffi is not the same as the patient in your EMR, please take note of the MRN and raise a ticket with your technical support services for further investigation.

Why is my patients’ name spelt differently in Malaffi to in my EMR?

Demographics in Malaffi are updated regularly from the source EMR’s connected to Malaffi. The information that you see in the Malaffi patient record is the last updated information, which may be from an organisation other than your own where they may have recorded the patients name slightly differently in their EMR.

If you are concerned that the patient in Malaffi is not the same as the patient in your EMR, please record the MRN and raise a ticket with your technical support services. They will then raise this with Malaffi Support for investigation.

Why is my patients’ Date of Birth different in Malaffi to in my EMR?

Demographics in Malaffi are updated regularly from the source EMR’s connected to Malaffi. The information that you see in the Malaffi patient record is the last updated information, which may be from an organisation other than your own where they may have recorded the date of birth information incorrectly and/or only captured the correct year of birth.

If you are concerned that the patient in Malaffi is not the same as the patient in your EMR, please record the MRN and raise a ticket with your technical support services. They will then raise this with Malaffi Support for investigation.

Sensitive Information
How is information classified as sensitive in Malaffi?

In Malaffi, all coded sensitive patient information is classified as sensitive and restricted to authorised users. This includes Chronic Problems, Diagnoses, Procedures, Clinical Documents, Diagnostics and Laboratory Results. Access to this information is limited to Primary Provider Users, who must first Break the Privacy Seal (BTS). Please note that this action is audited and logged.

No Allergies or Medication information will be restricted.

For Primary Providers only: I can’t see the Sensitive information, even though I have broken the privacy seal.

The best way to view sensitive information is to maximise each windowlet so you can see the expanded view of 100 lines of information.

The sensitive information will be highlighted by an unlocked padlock symbol in the first column of the windowlet.

For any information in the clinical document tree, click on the eye icon to group the results by sensitive data. Choose sensitive in the ‘group by’ dropdown and click the ‘Apply’ button.

How are Allergies organised in Malaffi?

Allergies are organised by severity first, followed by the date they were recorded in the source EMR.

Why am I seeing duplicate Allergies?

Malaffi displays information directly from the source EMR. For Allergies, both free text and coded entries are shown, which can result in duplicates from the same source as well as duplicates from different sources.

When allergies are coded, those that share the same code will be grouped together and display under the red magnifying glass.

I can see ‘No Known Allergies’ for one organisation and ‘Allergies’ recorded at another organisation. Is this a mistake in Malaffi?

This is not a mistake in Malaffi. Remember Malaffi is displaying information directly from each source EMR. This represents an opportunity to confirm your patient’s allergy status with them and update your EMR if required.

Encounter History
How are Encounters in Malaffi organised?

Encounters are organised by most recent date.

What does the red magnifying glass in the Encounters windowlet show?

Clicking on the red magnifying glass will show all Secondary Diagnoses recorded for that encounter.

What are Problems in Malaffi?

Problems refer to chronic conditions of the patient that are recorded in the source EMR.
Note: Not all organisations record Problems in their EMR.

What does the red magnifying glass in the Problems windowlet show?

Clicking on the red magnifying glass will display all common problems that share the same code for this patient, along with the organisation where they were recorded.

Why can’t I see all the Procedures that are recorded for my patient in my EMR?

Malaffi only displays surgical and minor procedures recorded for the patient.

What does the red magnifying glass in the Procedures windowlet show?

Clicking on the red magnifying glass will show all Procedures that occurred on the same date and time for this patient, along with the organisation where they took place.

Clinical Documents
Why can’t I see Clinical documents?

Clinical documents are available for viewing by both Malaffi Primary, Secondary and Tertiary provider roles. However, clinical documents containing sensitive data are only accessible to primary provider roles after breaking the privacy seal on the patient’s profile.

What Clinical documents are currently available in Malaffi?

Malaffi is working with all connected facilities to receive clinical documents in a phased approach. Currently, the clinical documents available include Discharge Summaries, Outpatient Clinical Notes, Inpatient Admission Notes, Procedure Reports, Referral Notes and Pharmacogenomics Reports. Additional document types may be added in future as required.

Why can’t I see all Medications administered to my patient?

In Delta view, all patient information from your organisation is filtered out, including Medication data from your EMR. If you believe some medication data is missing, check the Patient Summary tab to view information specific to your facility. If data still seems absent, please record the MRN and raise a ticket with your technical support team for investigation.

Note: The default view for Medications is the last 1 year, and Prescribed Medication only. Choose from the dropdown to see other Medication Event Types including Dispensed and Administered.

Malaffi receives take-home medications (Prescribed and Dispensed) for Outpatient, Emergency, and Inpatient encounters. Administered medication data is only received for Outpatient and Emergency encounters; no Administration information is available for Inpatient encounters, however, may be considered in future.

For Administered Medication, where is the information associated with administration?

Click on the Medication row to see further information including Administration Notes, Drug Code and other details.

Where can I find the Immunisation Lot number and Expiration date of the vaccine given?

Click on the Immunisation row to see further information including Lot Number, Expiration Date and other details

Laboratory & Radiology Results
Why can’t I see any Laboratory or Radiology results for my patient?

In Delta view, all patient information from your organisation is filtered out, including Laboratory and Radiology data from your EMR. If you believe some data is missing, check the Patient Summary tab to see patient information specific to your facility. If data still seems absent for the patient, please record the MRN and raise a ticket with your technical support services.

Why are the laboratory results from different facilities not appearing side by side in the cumulative view?

Currently EMR’s are sending different coding systems for their Lab tests and Lab results which means they cannot be compared side by side nor graphed. We are currently working with participants to standardise lab coding, which will result in more streamlined and standardised results description across different participants.

Can I print my patients’ Laboratory or Radiology results?

Yes, you can use the print link on the far right of the individual test result.

Vital Signs
When does Malaffi receive vital signs for a patient?

Malaffi receives vital signs information when your patient is admitted to an Outpatient, Emergency or Inpatient encounter and then again on Discharge from an Emergency and Inpatient Encounter.

Patient Risk View
Who can see the Patient Risk View?

The Patient Risk Profile is only available to Primary Provider (Level 1) users in the Malaffi Provider Portal.

What is the risk level calculated on?

The risk level is calculated using AI and machine learning algorithms that develop predictive models to assess the likelihood of a patient developing specific chronic conditions or events. This functionality analyses various medical data available in Malaffi, including acute and chronic diagnoses, encounter history, demographics, laboratory results, and medications.

What is the Risk Trend?

The Risk Trend displays the last ten risk prediction calculations, along with the corresponding risk levels on those dates. This feature allows you to track changes in the patient's risk over time, providing insights into their health trajectory.

What is the View Risk Features?

The View Risk Features highlight the clinical elements contributing to the patient's risk profile, along with the odds ratio assigned to each element. The higher the odds ratio, the more that clinical element has contributed to the level of risk. The odds ratio is classified as Low, Medium, High and Very High. This information helps clinicians understand the factors influencing the patient's risk and informs targeted interventions.

Why can’t I see all of my patient’s appointments?

In Delta view, all patient information from your organisation is filtered out, including Appointment data from your EMR. If you believe the patient is missing appointments, check the Patient Summary tab to see patient appointments from your own facility. If data is still absent for the patient, please record the MRN and raise a ticket with your technical support services for investigation

How can I see more details about the appointment?

To view more details about the appointment, simply click on it. A pop-up window will appear displaying additional information related to the appointment.

Why am I unable to see my patients' past appointments?

By default, the landing page will display all future or ‘Booked’ appointments for the patient. To view past appointments, select either ‘Complete’ or ‘No Show’ from the Status filter drop-down.

Who can access Appointments?

The following roles have access to the Appointments functionality: Primary Provider, Secondary Provider, Tertiary and Front Desk (Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively).

Malaffi Image Viewer
Who can view radiology images in the Malaffi Provider Portal?

Access to radiology images in Malaffi is restricted to Primary Providers (Level 1 Users). Secondary Providers (Level 2 Users) and Tertiary Providers (Level 3 Users) can access radiology reports, however, cannot view the associated image.

Why can’t I access an image for a report that is available in Malaffi?

The Malaffi Image Viewer is only accessible for reports that have associated images available. Therefore, the View Image link will only be visible when an image is available for view. Please note, historical radiology reports available in Malaffi will not have images available for view. Note we have now onboarded over 69 facilities with radiology images.

The Radiology Image is too large and I cannot use the functionality in the Image Viewer.

If you are using a laptop and extending your screen, please ensure that the Malaffi Provider Portal is displayed on the larger screen rather than your laptop. Using the larger screen presents a better resolution and allows you to access all tools available in the Image Viewer.

Why can’t I compare studies from other facilities?

Currently, physicians only have access to compare studies from the same facility. Future enhancements will allow you to compare multi-facility studies.

Why is 3D Image rendition not appearing for the image I am viewing?

Image rendition is only available for CT and MRI Studies.

Encounter Centric View
What is the Encounter Centric View?

The Encounter Centric View (ECV) displays a consolidated record of the patient’s encounter related data, in a single view. This allows providers seamless access to vital patient information, requiring less navigation and allowing more flexibility to filter by dates, encounter type and facility, to support care delivery. For more information on how to access the ECV, please click here to access the Quick Resource guide.

What information is available on the ECV?

The ECV contains the following data:
- Health timeline
- Encounter Summary
- Diagnosis
- Problems
- Allergies
- Medication History
- Immunisations
- Procedures
- Vital Signs
- Clinical Documents
- Laboratory and Radiology Results

Who can access the ECV?

ِِThe Encounter Centric View is available to both Primary Providers (Level 1 Users), Secondary Providers (Level 2 Users) and Tertiary Providers (Level 3 Users).

Why can’t I see all Laboratory and Radiology Results when I select a specific Encounter?

When a specific encounter is selected from the filter, laboratory and radiology results that are not associated with the encounter selected, will not display in the view. Typically, laboratory and radiology investigations undertaken at standalone diagnostic centres, are not associated with an encounter and will not be visible when an encounter filter is selected. Users can access these results from the Laboratory and/or Radiology folder in the CDV on the Patient Summary or Delta View page.

What results qualify as Diagnostics in Malaffi?

Diagnostics contains several clinical diagnostic tests categorised by specialty type and include:

- Cardiology Diagnostics Includes Electrocardiograms (ECGs)
- Mental Health Diagnostics Includes PHQ-9 Questionnaires
(Note: These are Sensitive documents and only available after ‘Break the Privacy Seal’)
- Neurology Diagnostics Includes Nerve conduction studies & Electroencephalography (EEG) results
- Ophthalmology Diagnostics Includes Optical Coherence tests, Colour vision Panel and Visual Acuity Measurements
- Otolaryngology Diagnostics Include Audiometry test results
- Respiratory Diagnostics Include Spirometry test results
- Neonatalology Diagnostics Includes Apgar Panel 1 minute, 5 minute and 10 minute

For more information on how to access diagnostic results, please click here to view the Quick Resource Guides.

Malaffi is currently working with all connected facilities to receive diagnostics in a phased approach.

Riayati Record
What is the Riayati Record?

The Riayati record is a consolidated summary of the patient’s medical record from facilities they’ve attended in the Northern Emirates. By selecting the Riayati Record tab, providers are able to access the latest clinical data shared to Riayati, which will help support their clinical decision making. For more information on how to access the Riayati Record, please click here to access the Quick Resource guide.

What data is available in the Riayati Record?

The Riayati Record comprises of the On Demand Document which is a dynamic document updated each time the Riayati Record is accessed, and functions as a Continuity of Care record. It includes the following data elements:
- Demographics
- Allergies
- Social & Family history
- Vital Signs
- Problems & Diagnoses
- Procedures
- Lab & Radiology results
- Medications & Immunisations
- Plan of Care

Is sensitive data available in the Riayati Record?

Currently sensitive data is not available in the Riayati Record due to privacy restrictions. However, this may be considered for inclusion in future.

Who can access the Riayati Record?

Access to the Riayati Record is restricted to Primary Providers (Level 2 Users) and Secondary Providers (Level 2 Users).

Can I print the Patient’s Riayati Record?

The Riayati Record is view only and cannot be printed or saved.

What does it mean if no record is returned?

‘No record found’ means that your patient does not have any records available in Riayati to view.

What do I do if data is missing from the record or if I receive an error message?

If you believe the patient’s Riayati Record is missing some clinical information, or if you receive an error message, please record the MRN and raise a ticket with your technical support services, who will raise the concern with Malaffi Support for further investigation.

Pharmacogenomics reports
What are Pharmacogenomics Reports?

Pharmacogenomics reports categorise medications by revealing how an individual's genetic composition affects their reactions to specific medications. This personalised approach to medication classification, helps providers make informed decisions about medication selection and dosing, optimising therapeutic outcomes while minimising adverse effects. Medication classification in Pharmacogenomics Reports involves categorising drugs based on an individual’s genetic composition. Patients are classified as Ultrarapid, Poor, Intermediate and Normal Metabolisers based on genetic variants affecting drug metabolism. This classification informs dosing adjustments.

Who can access it?

Currently the report is available to L1 users (Primary Providers) following ‘break the privacy seal’ and obtaining consent from the patient.

How can I use this information?

The Pharmacogenomics report provides clinicians with valuable information regarding the genetic profile of the patient and its influence and response to specific medications. This supports physicians in prescribing medication tailored to each patient, to enhance treatment outcomes and minimise the occurrence of adverse drug events.

What does the report contain?

The report contains four detailed segments

  • •  Actionable Findings – lists medications which fall under the following categorisation - ultrarapid, poor metaboliser or intermediate based on the patient’s genetic composition.
    Note: Normal metabolisers will not be listed here.
  • •  Detailed Guideline – Provides a detailed list of all medications that were tested based on the patient’s genetic composition as well as recommendations and implications if administered
  • •  Complete Summary – Lists a concise view of all medications that were tested based on the patient’s genetic composition
  • •  Citations – Lists the resource citations
Why can’t I see the pharamacogenomics report for my patient?

The following reasons may include:
1-  The pharmacogenomics report is not yet generated.
2- You have not selected to ‘Break the Privacy seal’

How do I know if my patient has a Pharmacogenomics Report?

Pharmacogenomics reports are linked to the EGP participant tag. If a patient has an available Pharmacogenomics Report, the notification tag in the patient banner will display: "EGP Participant (PGX report available.” Alternatively, you can ‘Break the privacy seal’ and check the report through the clinical documents.

Primary Health Care Provider
What is Primary Health care providers?

The Department of Health (DOH) has introduced a new initiative requiring all patients to be registered with a Primary Healthcare Facility (PHC), which is now visible in the Malaffi Provider Portal. This initiative aims to improve patient care, enhance access, strengthen relationships, and optimise the healthcare system, aligning with DOH’s commitment to world-class healthcare across Abu Dhabi.

Why do I see multiple PHCs for my patient?

A patient can have more than one registered facility, but only one active physician per facility. Only Active or Stopped PHC status details will be displayed in Malaffi Provider Portal.

Notification Tags

Malaffi now includes notifications to alert clinicians about a patient's enrolment in select Health Programs. The bell icon in the patient banner will notify the end user when a patient is enrolled in these programs. Currently, this includes the Emirati Genome Program (EGP) and the National Umbilical Cord Blood Program (UBC).

What is the Emirati Genome Program

The Emirati Genome Program (EGP) is a significant national initiative aimed at creating a comprehensive genetic map of UAE citizens. This project is designed to accelerate the development of advanced preventive and personalised healthcare solutions for both current and future generations of the nation.

What is the Emirati Genome Program (EGP) Participant Tag?

The EGP Participant Tag is a feature that enables clinicians to easily identify community members enrolled in the Emirati Genome Program. In addition, if the patient has a Pharmacogenomics report available, the notification tag will alert the user.

What is the National Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) Program?

The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH) has partnered to launch the Abu Dhabi Biobank, starting with the region’s largest hybrid cord blood bank. Expecting mothers can choose to enrol in the National Umbilical Cord Blood Program, allowing them to store their child’s cord blood for future use. This initiative aims to improve healthcare by creating a diverse bio-asset that supports treatments, research, drug discovery, and disease prevention, providing personalised and preventive care for all.

What is the National Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) participant tag?

The National Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) Participant Tag is a feature that helps clinicians easily identify mothers enrolled in the UCB program.

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