The Provider Portal allows authorised users from the connected providers to access the patient’s unified medical records in Malaffi.
The Portal is seamlessly embedded in the provider's EMR system which can be accessed with one click and does not require an additional sign-in. Having access to important patient information empowers clinicians to make better-informed and more efficient clinical decisions, enhances coordination and transition of care, reduces unnecessary duplication of tests and procedures, reduces the risk of medical error, and improves patient safety and experience.
The Provider Portal gives authorised users access to the following information:
• Patient demographic data
• Encounters
• Allergies
• Laboratory results
• Radiology images and reports
• Medications and immunisations
• Problems and diagnoses
• Procedures
• Clinical documents
• Vital signs
• Diagnostic tests
• Appointments
Featuring a patient risk profile and an image exchange, Malaffi is the one of most advanced HIE platforms globally. We are committed to constantly improving the functionalities of the provider portal in order to further improve the healthcare experience in Abu Dhabi and help clinicians provide better patient care.
Please see more information below

Riayati Record
Malaffi clinical users can seamlessly access patient information from the Northern Emirates through Riayati Record, the UAE federal HIE. This is a significant value add for providers and patients in the UAE and will allow clinicians to make more informed decisions, enhance coordination of care, reduce duplication of investigations, and improve patient safety and experience across the UAE.
More information here.
See in Action User Guide

Radiology Images
Alongside the radiology reports, Malaffi clinical users have access to radiology images that were performed at different facilities, including x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasound images. Through an embedded advanced image viewer, users can view, manipulate and compare images side-by side.
Currently, more than 60 different facilities are connected and share their radiology images.
To see which facilities are connected, click here.
See in Action User Guide

Patient Risk Profile
Based on clinical data in Malaffi, this functionality uses AI and machine learning algorithms to predict the risk of individual patients developing specific chronic conditions (such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease) or suffering an acute event (such as a heart attack or stroke). Individual risk scores help clinicians make informed decisions and apply interventions to manage and prevent individuals from developing potential diseases or requiring hospital admission.
See in Action User Guide

Encounter-centric View
This view displays a consolidated record of a patient's encounter-related data, all in one place.
The feature organises all patient encounter-related data in one consolidated view, reducing the time spent searching for patient information across different sections in Malaffi. This makes it easier for Malaffi clinical users to find the most relevant information, supporting efficient care delivery
See in Action User Guide

Patient Appointments
Through the Provider Portal, Malaffi clinical users can access information about their patient’s past, present, and future appointments at facilities connected to Malaffi. Visibility of appointments supports continuity of care and provides you with a holistic view of the patient’s visit journey.
See in Action User Guide

The Emirati Genome Program (EGP) Participant Tag
The EGP Participant Tag is a valuable feature that identifies members of the Emirati Genome Program, creating an initial link between Malaffi and the EGP. This feature holds the potential to enhance clinical decision-making for healthcare professionals through future integration of genome data.
User Guide
User Guide for Reports

M42 Pharmacogenomics Reports
Pharmacogenomics reports play a crucial role in medication classification by providing insights into how an individual’s genetic makeup influences their response to specific medications. This personalised approach allows healthcare providers to make informed decisions regarding drug selection and dosing, ultimately optimising therapeutic outcomes and minimising the risk of adverse effects.
The medication classification in Pharmacogenomics reports categorises drugs based on genetic variations affecting drug metabolism. Patients are classified as Ultrarapid, Poor, Intermediate, or Normal Metabolisers. This genetic classification helps guide dosing adjustments for safer and more effective treatment plans.
Pharmacogenomics Reports are available to Level 1 users after ‘Breaking the Privacy Seal’.
User Guide

Diagnostic tests are now available under the CDV tree in the Malaffi Provider Portal, containing several clinical diagnostic tests categorised by specialty type. This includes:
- Cardiology Diagnostics – Includes Electrocardiograms (ECGs)
- Mental Health Diagnostics – Includes PHQ-9 Questionnaires (Note: These are
Sensitive documents and only available after ‘Break the Seal’)
- Neurology Diagnostics – Includes Nerve conduction studies &
Electroencephalography (EEG) results
- Ophthalmology Diagnostics – Includes Optical Coherence tests, Colour vision
Panel & Visual Equity Measurements
- Otolaryngology Diagnostics – Include Audiometry test results
- Respiratory Diagnostics – Include Spirometry test results
User Guide

Break the Privacy Seal
Only the highest level of authorised users can Break the Privacy Seal to access patient sensitive health information. This includes information related to, certain infectious diseases (HIV/HEP-B), sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, IVF and mental health conditions. This is on the condition that, in the professional judgment of the clinician, access to such sensitive health information is absolutely necessary to ensure optimal treatment of the patient. These activities are monitored and audited to ensure proper use of the Portal.
For more information on how we ensure the security and
privacy of patient health information in Malaffi, click here.